HolocaustHistory.net - Holocaust Centre, Beth Shalom
13 March 1938
Anschluss with Austria

The 'Anschluss' with Austria. Hitler was welcomed into Austria as the two countries were unified. The Austrian Chancellor Kurt von Schuschnigg had planned a plebiscite for 13 March to decide whether the two countries should be unified. Hitler, who thought this unecessary forced him to resign on 11 March and the next day German troops crossed the Austrian border.

13 March
26 April
15 June
6 July
17 August
29 September
5 October
28 October
7 November
9 November
15 November

Introduction What is the Holocaust?
Jewish Tradition
Hitlers Rise to Power
The Third Reich

Mass Murder
The Final Solution
Concentration Camp
Resisting the Enemy
The Aftermath

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