HolocaustHistory.net - Holocaust Centre, Beth Shalom
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Modern Antisemitism

In the Nineteenth Century, religious antagonism and sporadic violence gave way to a more sinister, modern form of antisemitism: 'scientific racism', social theory, centuries of religious antagonism and cultural mistrust combined. This led to the perpetuation of hideous lies for political ends - which people all too readily believed. Instead of Jews being liberated by the modern era, they often found themselves the scapegoats of Europe. One publication, 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,' was distributed widely. It was supposed to show there was a Jewish conspiracy to control the world. It was later demonstrated to be a fraud, started in Czarist Russia. This same book is still published and read in parts of the world today.

IntroductionWhat is the Holocaust?
Jewish Tradition
Hitlers Rise to Power
The Third Reich

Mass Murder
The Final Solution
Concentration Camp
Resisting the Enemy
The Aftermath

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Antisemitism - Modern